Mechanical & PH shell & core co-ordination for SES with MACE on this landmark development. Included additional contract to deliver the Prefabricated Skids & Riser shop drawings direct for SES Prism.
Shell & Core MEP Co-ordination for SES, follwed with Google Deepmind fit out M&PH Co-ordination for Gratte Brothers.
MEP Co-ordination for Grant Walker Engineering with ISG. Existing build refurbishment utilsing Point Cloud scanning.
Major Project Mixed use scheme for MACE as Technical Model managers and novating to full MEP Co-ordination with MJL & TClake.
Shell & Core Lead Co-ordinator for NG Bailey followed by securing the Mechanical & PH Fit out contract for MJL and ISG.
Mechanical & PH Fit out contract for MJL working with ISG to a tight Programme for client occupation.
Fast track MEP Lead co-ordination for Levels 10 - 15 REM Offices for TClarke and Structuretone.
Basement MEP co-ordination with Dornan & Mace. High level of Prefabrication including Modules and Plant Skids throughout.
MEP Co-ordination for Imtech with Skanska - exposed services Office and challenging existing Basement Plant.
MEP Co-ordination CAT B Office fit out contract for MJL with Structuretone.
Direct appointment to ISG for early engagement MEP Co-ordination works prior to Sub-contractor appointment, de-risking design. Novation to MJL to complete Construction Issue & As Builts.
Shell & Core Electrical Co-Ordinator for Conti Corporation.
MEP Co-ordination & Prefabricated Modules for SES.
1,200,000 sqft. 2 x 27 Floor Towers, Shell and Core Office Space. Ibsecad appointed by Tishman Speyer as MEPF Lead Co-ordinators & BIM Managers across all areas.
Shell & Core MEP Co-ordination for Skanska Rasleigh Weatherfoil.
Lead MEP Co-ordinators for Emico (Borough ES) working alongside McLaren. Fast track programme and delivery.
Technical Model Managers for MACE during Stage 3-4.
Shell & Core & CAT A Office Fit Out MEP Co-ordination with BYUK.